Personal voiceover branding techniques will help get more work and build a strong identity and reputation in the voiceover industry. If you don’t do it you’re likely to leave it down to others to form opinions about your capabilities.
What you ideally want is to develop your personal brand so that potential clients associate your personal brand with a feeling of trust and long-term success and satisfaction.
This personal voiceover branding infographic provides a simple step by step guide to help you build your personal brand.
In todays competitive voiceover market there is no room for being another face in the crowd. You have to separate yourself from the competition. You have to be more appealing to your target audience and to do this you need to build a strong and brand identity.
Some examples of people who have exceptional personal brands:
David Beckham
JK Rowling
Jamie Oliver
How To Use This Personal Voiceover Branding Guide
Your personal brand is what separates you from everyone else in the world.
The first step to creating your personal brand is to organize your thoughts and create your personal brand vision. This is the way you want yourself to be perceived by others and also how you want to live your professional and personal life.
Take time to work through each step of the guide. Don’t rush it. Developing your personal voiceover brand is important and done well will make a huge difference; done poorly though and it can look inconsistent and unprofessional.
The steps in the personal voiceover branding guide will give you a better understanding of who you are today and from there you can more easily figure out where you want to be in the future.
As with all planning, it is spending the time getting the first stages right that leads to a good end result. So think carefully about building your brand identity – who you are, your strengths, your values, traits and passions.
Once you have an understanding of who you are you can move into the stage of figuring out where you want to be. This is both for your professional and personal life.
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